Career life Relocating

Time For Change

At the end of last week, I wrote that it had been “a mixed week“. And then on Monday, things went and got crazier. I’m still waiting for the dust to settle so that I can figure out what is actually going on. A friend is in town for a while. Last time I saw him, he […]

life Relocating

Reminding Myself As To Why We Continue, Despite Everything

It’s been a mixed week. Some successes – Awesome Foundation! Girl Geek Dinner! Getting my visa sorted! And then a number of things that made me wonder why I was bothering. Mostly stupid things, and you could say that I shouldn’t worry about them – but that is easy to say, and hard to do. […]

Career Education life Organization

Bagels, Chores, and Compromises

I discovered something new about where I live at the weekend. The nearby drugmart doesn’t sell bagels. I’d always assumed that they would, but when I tested that theory I found it lacking. Living in a small place, there wasn’t anywhere I could continue on to and so I ended up at my boyfriend’s apartment […]

life Organization Post-Grad Rehab

Post Grad Rehab: June/July

Mid- way through June, I paused, and wondered – why was I focusing on little things during a month of big things? I hope that end-of-May-Cate realized that this was something that June-Cate would need to stay sane. This month’s focus gave me permission to make time for small, unimportant (but important to me), things […]

inspiration life Presentation women in computer science

Secret Lives of Superheros

The wonderful Serena invited me to join her for a panel at a women/tech conference in October. We’re still working out the details, but essentially we’ll be talking about role models – our own personal superheros. if you will. Some points that I’m thinking about: It’s great to see really successful women in tech, I adored […]

life Post-Grad Rehab

Little Things

  Currently, I’m trapped in a stressed-not-sleeping-feeling-ill cycle. Where I wake up exhausted, too late to go to the gym before work, and come home with a headache. I’m not sure why this is, maybe the crazy weather and thunderstorms we’ve been having. Or it might be the oppressive weight that I feel every morning […]

life Organization

Changing Paces

I’m a little… tired and uninspired lately. Not at work – but at not-work. Once home, I’m not driven to write, or code, or read that stack of papers. I’m actually reading novels. I’ve been beating myself up for procrastination. Wondering, how do you tell the difference between being a little burnt out and needing […]


Oh Hai 26

A lot can happen in a year. I turned 25 reflecting on feeling like a grownup, and things I wouldn’t be. I’ve been expecting to have a crisis about turning 26, but I’m surprisingly okay with it. A year ago I was coming out of a failed relationship, a paper rejection, and not having graduating […]

Organization Reflections

Balancing Acts

When I started work, I set myself a simple rule – one that I’d less deliberately followed last summer. At the end of the day, leave work computer at work. Do not put work email on phone. It works. I enjoy my evenings and weekends. I wake up excited to go to the office. I […]

Organization Post-Grad Rehab

What is Work-Life Balance, Anyway?

Women, especially, seem to talk about work-life-balance – and it’s synonym, work-life-integration (a la IBM) a lot. But what does it mean? The cop out, d’uh, answer is, different things to everyone. I’ve come to think that what it means is that the pieces that make up your life (work, family, friends, exercise, hobbies, etc […]