Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 6: Who’s Talking About The Future of Newspapers?

Continued on from Part 5, exploring what they are saying using the Phrase Net visualization from Many Eyes. Each image is a link to the applet where you can explore the text and interact with it. Change the linking word on the left – I’ve used space, but “and” or “is” in particular could be […]

Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 5: Who’s Talking About The Future Of Newspapers?

Continued on from Part 4, exploring what they are saying using Word Trees on Many Eyes. Each image is a link to the applet where you can explore the text and interact with it. Change the word in the top left corner to change the root of the tree. Alex Howard Alfred Hermida Andrew Keen […]

Programming Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 4: Who’s Talking About The Future Of Newspapers?

In which we answer the question – what are they saying? I’ve split the tweets up into two types – at replies, and not at replies, and a third which contains all tweets. I’ve created wordles of each one, for each of the 20 people we were following. If you haven’t – check out […]

Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 3: Who’s Talking About The Future Of Newspapers?

Continued on from Part 2, I’m representing similar data in a different (less exciting) way. Before, we looked at how the activity on the twitter streams was spread out over the day and by different types of interaction. Here, I’m using charts to show the breakdown for the day, by user. I’ve also created charts […]

Programming Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 2: Who’s Talking About the Future of Newspapers?

After breaking down the overall types of tweets from people, next step was to create scatter plots of their activity. Unfortunately, Excel will only plot 250 data points – how unreasonable! Luckily I love breaking Excel and coding something that will do what I want it to do and look prettier, so voila. Color scheme: […]

Programming Twitter Visualization

Who’s Talking About the Future of Newspapers?

My friend Caitlin is using Twitter to investigate the discourse around the future of newspapers. She has collected a bunch of data in a spreadsheet, and I get to visualize it – yay! First up, extracting some general stats. I used the Apache POI to get the enormous speadsheet into Java (normally I would use […]

Presentation Spam Thesis Twitter Visualization

Twitter: Influence and Engagement

Introduce myself: my name is Cate and I’m a second year Masters student in Computer Science. There’s all these different parts of Computer Science, but how I like to describe myself is that I try to create things that answer the questions that people haven’t thought to ask. What does that mean? Well, you could […]

Presentation Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Visualizing Engagement on Twitter

Next Thursday, I’m giving a talk on my research to people from the communications department. Outline below. When we talk about how we quantify success in social media (and Twitter), we need to consider how we’re defining engagement. Does someone following us mean that they are engaged with our content? Maybe – but maybe not. […]

Education Facebook Presentation Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Science Teacher Talk: Information -> Meaning

Initial draft of a talk I’m supposed to be giving in February. Information -> Meaning Before the printing press, literacy rates were really low, and the average book was the bible. This was all people had by way of information. The printing press caused a revolution. 100 years later, humans had more information than they […]

Programming Visualization

Fun With Prefuse

Couple of things I found using Prefuse that I’ll document here for reference (I had a hard time finding the answer to these). 1. NullPointerException thrown by GraphMLReader This means there’s an issue in the XML, even if it’s valid according to W3Schools (which mine was). Double check it, for me it was an issue […]