Organization Reflections

Planning 2010

I saw in 2009 with my boyfriend. It was just the two of us. We were just moving in together “officially” (yes, I had been in Canada a really short amount of time for that to happen – long story) and we were sorting out the apartment. We drank some champagne and went swimming. It […]

Education Reflections

5 Things I Learned at Boarding School

For my last two years of school, I was at a fancy English boarding school. This is not something I write about or talk about much, because it was not the most enjoyable experience (so, normal for high school!). However like everything, there are some important lessons for life that I got out of it. […]

Education Organization Reflections

Burning Out

I’ve been offered several great opportunities lately, and because of where I am in life (finishing up grad school, building my CV to find a job in the next 6 months or so) I plan on taking all of them. My boyfriend and some of my friends call me a workoholic. I’m OK with that […]

Education Facebook Presentation

Art, Life and Programming: Introduction

This is where I introduce myself. Graduate student, computer science. Originally from Europe. Bachelors degree from the University of Edinburgh. Working on Twitter, data-mining, and visualization. 24, so not actually that old, and what I’m going to be talking about are for the most part developments that have happened in my lifetime. I really want […]

Organization Reflections

Making, Managing, Creating – Time

Sacha wrote a lovely post about her free time, and how she protects it. This led me to her reflections on overtime and the whole concept of “having too much time on your hands” by herself and by Cory Doctorow. (Incidentally, it’s great when people have large archives and link back to stuff you haven’t […]


Perspectives on Perfectionism

I was reading random posts on Penelope Trunk’s blog last week when I came across one on perfectionism. Basically, she was saying that perfectionism is stupid. I have some perfectionist tendencies, but I’m not going to argue with this. I think perfectionism can mean you avoid the feeling of OK, what next, what’s inspiring me […]

Networking Reflections Social Networking

Discovering the Value of Personal Branding

Last month, Patti Church and Treena Grevatt came in and gave a talk on Personal Branding for WISE. Patti’s one of the people behind so it was great to have her come and speak to us. I was in a complete panic because they were going to use me as an example, and I […]

Organization Reflections

Productivity for Minions

Google this, there’s nothing useful. Someone needs to write a book on this! I’d buy it, would you? If not, hopefully it’s because you’re not a minion. Grad students are basically minions. I am the minion of my supervisor (luckily he’s nice), the minion of any prof whose course I take (to a lesser extent) […]


Focusing on Action

Yesterday I wrote a post about something that’s really been frustrating me – the fact that WISE may well run out of money in January. I wondered if it was too negative, and I reread it several times and debated about whether to post it… and eventually decided to. Here’s the thing – I can’t […]


A Crash Course in Leadership

Disclaimer: don’t take any advice from me. I’m known for giving terrible advice, particularly when it comes to relationships. Also, don’t let me set you up. It invariably ends in disaster. WISE has enough money to last through January, I think. Then we’ll have to work something out, or stop. I’m not down with stopping, […]