Reflections women in computer science

Things Being A Woman In Tech Is Like: Flying Economy

Tell me that I am not alone, in sometimes wanting to run away to an unspecified location, thereafter to never encounter a nerdy boy again. It is at times deeply exhausting to live in a world where the other inhabitants think it’s a meritocracy but you know, and studies show, it isn’t. It’s like flying […]

Career Education women in computer science

Why I Cut Down On Public Speaking

Last year, I gave a lot of talks. I averaged about one a month, but it wasn’t spread out evenly. In October, I gave four talks. And then I stopped, and since then I’ve been putting off talks I intended to say yes to, or just outright saying no (I know, unlike me). There were […]

life women in computer science

On Feeling Uninspiring

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from a friend about a project she’s involved in. She was looking for me to share my “inspiring story” on being a technical woman. I said no. Said, got nothing inspiring to say right now. Can’t. Do. It. And she gave me a pep talk, and […]

life Reflections WISE women in computer science

Intellectual Feminism, and Sexist Pigs

I love Big Bang Theory (Amazon), but, and bear with me for a depressing though of the day, I think Sheldon is the most feminist of all the guys. Of course, that is in large part because he despises everyone as being beneath him, but the people who has has a little-more-than-grudging respect for include: Amy Farrah Fowler, […]

Career Education WISE women in computer science

Encouragement Beats Re-tweeting

I read an article today about why there aren’t enough women in tech. It says, women doubt themselves. This hurts their chances of ending up in Science or Engineering. They think they can’t do it. It bored me. I am so tired of reading this. We know it. I must read an article a month […]

women in computer science

My Career, Her Job

UPDATE: I expressed myself very badly in this post. As a result, I hurt and offended some good people, and some of them were quick to let me know. I’m sorry. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the response, but as soon as I saw the comments I knew I’d made a mistake. I appreciate […]

Education women in computer science

Come the Revolution

I was talking to a – male – programmer the other day, and he was telling me how much his high school CS teacher sucked. This is not an uncommon story. I know some good high school teachers. I’ve heard about a lot of bad ones. This particular bad one taught Visual Basic, and gave […]

Career Education inspiration Networking Organization women in computer science

Keep Telling Me to “Say No” Until I Learn

On the way to Toronto my friend is telling me I need to give up bagels, and I say, there’s enough change in my life right now without introducing more. But that I think it will be better next month. She says, “you always think that; you said that in August, too”. She’s right. This […]

Career inspiration life Reflections WISE women in computer science

Wear What You Want

Today, I wore a mini-skirt (gray) over leggings (black) with ballet flats (gray) and a plain tshirt and cardi (both black). I wore my hair down, and (naturally) curly. I know, I don’t normally share the details of my wardrobe, but bear with me – I have a point. It was an ideal outfit for […]

Presentation women in computer science

Geek Girl Con: Secrets of Superheros

I confess, I’ve never seen Star Wars, or Star Trek. The only video games I play are the Lego ones. And so I’ve been seeing people in these amazing costumes, and going to talks where there are these gaming cultural references that I don’t get, and thinking… woah, I’m not geeky enough. It’s a little […]