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Social Media Coping Strategies

gargoyle with hands over eyes
Credit: Wikipedia

Over the last year the way I use social media has changed. It wasn’t dramatic. Just time passed… how much I was willing to share decreased, I started to feel anxious at times. The most vicious things normally end up in the moderation queue of my blog, and I could probably still quote things long since deleted.

I passed this tip on a bunch of times over the last week so figured I would share more broadly: One thing that I have taken to doing, is if someone I don’t know engages me in a very 101 conversation and I choose to respond I tell myself “wow Cate, you’re being really nice to do that”. It’s framing it to be a favour, not an expectation. It’s how I remind myself that I don’t have to engage like that, and try and avoid feeling obliged to.

If you have little tricks you use to deal with being a visible woman on social media I would love to hear them!

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