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Phase 1 of Hiring, Getting from 0-30

Towards the end of 2017, we reopened hiring on the mobile team at Automattic which had been shut since the start of the year as we got things in order. I think of this as phase 1 of hiring on the team – nailing the basics of the process, and making some progress with diversity numbers.

An up front note about diversity: Diversity is more than gender, and gender is not binary. However whilst acknowledging the limitations and flaws, we can use gender as metric as to how our hiring process is doing with respect to inclusion. We can use it as an indicator for diversity at every phase in the process, and use that to identify where we can improve the process for everyone.

For reference, I was the first woman on the team, which was ~24 people when I joined at the end of 2016. When we opened hiring, there were two women, although both in leadership positions – this helps a lot.

The TL;DR of how our funnel looked at the end of phase 1 is this. You can see that using our raw (and flawed) metric, the diversity improves at every step in the process. This makes sense given that data shows women hold themselves to higher standards when applying for jobs.

Q4 20173 people
Q1 20185 people
Q2 20182 people
Q3 20185 people
Q4 20181 person

Revamping the Process

Whilst we didn’t change any of the steps in the process, we did revisit each one and improve it.


Areas for Improvement

Whilst we’re pleased with the progress we made in phase 1, it’s clear we have more work to do. 2019 marks the start of phase 2, where we will be focusing on:

We’re also keen to take advantage of the openness that working in Open Source allows – so we’re supporting our teammates in sharing more about their work online and IRL at events.

If you liked this post, you might also like being part of our team: we’re hiring.

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