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Questions for an End of Year 1:1

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Credit: Pexels

My coach (Dani) went through this list of questions in our call last week, and I’ve been using it in my last 1:1s of 2017. I’ve been finding it interesting as a structure for a conversation that looks back at the year and where we are now, versus where we were a year ago. Sometimes it’s not the answer itself, but the conversation it kicks off…

1.) Who did you meet this year who is now in your life? What about meeting them was significant?

2.) What experience/situation caused you to grow?

3.) What experience did you lean into despite fear?

4.) What accomplishments are you most proud of?

5.) In what area of your life did you make some progress?

6.) What was missing from your life this year?

7.) Who have you helped succeed? / Who has helped you succeed?

8.) What are you most grateful for, and why?

9.) What were the most fun times you had?

10.) What advice would you give yourself for 2018?

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