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Upcoming Talk on Effective Mobile Engineering Teams


I’m working on a talk about running effective mobile engineering teams – I’d love to know what questions you have about this, what you worry about when it comes to mobile teams in your organization, and what you’ve found most helpful to communicate about them. Comments or email or DMs on Twitter welcome!

Title: YOLO Releases Considered Harmful – Running An Effective Mobile Engineering Team

Organisations often worry about their mobile teams. Sometimes they are a bit separate. There’s often this inexplicable hostility to mentions of “React Native”. Why do bug fixes take so long to get to production, and what are all these certificates for, anyway?

In this talk we’ll cover the realities of shipping compiled code, the woes of the app stores, and the infrastructure challenges we haven’t figured out yet. You’ll leave with a better understanding of the realities your mobile teams may be struggling with, and some strategies for how to help them – and your organisation – build an effective mobile team that ships regularly. And yes, you’ll finally understand the React Native argument, too.

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