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Stop Waiting; It’s Today

Geek&Poke's List Of Best Practices - Today: Continuous Integration
Credit: Geek & Poke

My boyfriend is supposed to be moving out to Canada at the start of April, but his visa application got held up. He was contemplating keeping his apartment in London and staying another month. I said,

Don’t do that. Spending an extra month living in limbo will suck.

I give great advice (sometimes). I should really take it myself.

Meanwhile, one of my friends is having a crisis. It’s been brewing for over a month, probably two, but she wasn’t ready to accept it. Eventually she put her hands up and admitted she was in trouble – and all these people were there, willing to help her. That extra month waiting though? That’s made her situation more difficult.

Currently, I’m reading Good to Great, and I realized I too have been putting things on hold lately. I meant to be back in the gym once I finished jittering about, and I was, only then I was sick, so I was waiting to feel better, and now I’m heading to California again. Next week is always the week when I’m going to get on top of my email.

Realization: it’s not that I’m not working out when I’m in 4 different places in 8 days, nor is it that I’m not working out when I’m running a fever. It’s not that I’m not on top of my email today. It’s the mentality of – something is going to change, and I’m going to be back on top of things.

I’m trying to change my attitude to one where I say, “today is the day I’m improving my fitness”. Things can still be hectic, and that’s fine, I just need to reframe it so that it’s the hectic-ness disrupting my normal – as minimally as possible – rather than me putting normal in hold waiting for things to be different.

No doubt things will be different when I get back from California… But there won’t necessarily be any less going on!

What have you been putting off taking action on? Can you reframe it as something you are doing today? Let me know in the comments – in the meantime, I’ll be catching up on my email.

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