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Working for The Man

Dreaming about work / Soñando con el trabajo
Credit: flickr / Claudio.Ar (not too much online)

I keep reading people who’ve quit their job in order to make a living as a blogger. There’s all this stuff about minimalist life, and freedom from routine.

Is routine so bad? Is stuff so bad? I like to live in different places, but I like to live there. And I like having stuff. If you own less than 100 items, what about skis?

I have no desire to start my own business.

I’m starting to think that’s weird.

The blogosphere is great, but lately it seems like there’s a consensus that working for a company is bad. Perhaps it’s just a change from grad school, but working for the right company is awesome. There’s access to resources and expertise that I wouldn’t have otherwise. There’s diversity of opinion that’s really helpful. There’s constraints that require creativity to work around – yesterday that led me to more deeply consider my solution.

I’m excited to go into work today. Not about the 25 minute drive, so much, although that’s good time to reflect. But to arrive, and work on my Most Important Task – collaborating to try and create something awesome.

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