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New Lists Visualization!

I know, it’s been a long time coming. But finally – my new visualization which I’ve created using IBM’s Many Eyes (which is awesome, although very blue).

Since Twitter released it’s new “Lists” feature, there’s been talk about how Lists are a good way to measure influence – someone who is on more lists is likely to be more influential. Likewise, someone with lots of followers who’s not on any lists (or maybe one called “spammers”) is less influential.

However, what about measuring influence within lists? For instance, if you’re using lists to collect a group of people, such as the Girl Geek Dinners list, it might be nice to visualize something that indicates how influential people are within that network.

So, what I’m doing is displaying the scatter-graph of followers vs following, with the size of the bubble being proportional to the number of times the user has been mentioned by another user in the list.

See the dynamic one for my friends here. Static one below:

Here’s the one for GGDOttawa (dynamic version here):
Here’s one for @velevetescape/cool-tweeps – see the dynamic one here. This one is hard to see properly because some trailing values drag the axes out. Eliminating the outliers might really improve it.

More coming soon! Taking requests and suggestions!

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