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This Week

Charring Cross

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Progress on my apartment has stalled, although I do finally have internet again, which is nice. I made it to the gym 4x during the week, and then took off for a weekend at the spa with my mom! No weights or yoga this week, due to class times and the less than stellar class options at the spa.

Caught up with a friend, and went on what turned out to be my last date with that particular bloke. His behaviour  made me feel a bit crap, but whatever – delete his number, block him, move on. Dating feels like such a waste of time though, I could better spend that time… in the gym? Working? Writing? I think I need to take more of this approach.

Meanwhile my writing is going well, I made a start on Intimidating Project and it looks like some pieces of my writing will be elsewhere on the internet soon.

Finally walked to work – the tube is surprisingly painless and given the weather I haven’t been walking as much as I thought I would. It’s not the warmest here so I teamed thermals with sweatpants (disguised!) and… ended up having to cover an interview. Oops.


Writing lots of code this week, although things didn’t go to plan (do they ever?) and my “simple” refactoring is exponentially more work than we thought it would be. But hey, I’m learning a lot and the end of this overall task is in sight, and we’re starting to talk about what’s next. Which includes this design exercise I’ve organised in NYC, which I’m excited about.


Got dinner at Bill’s (OK, Bill’s in Sydney is so much better) and Shoryu Ramen which was great, and inexpensive – raspberry chocolate mochi. Lovely! Weekend at Champney’s spa, but that is a separate story.


Still working on  The Charisma Myth, but I did finish Bond Girl, and read Chocolate Cake For Breakfast (set in NZ, quite light but I enjoyed it). Still watching Brothers and Sisters season 4. Still rocking out to Lady Gaga’s new album (ARTPOP) on Grooveshark, but also found the new Katy Perry album (PRISM), I adore Roar – great video!

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