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This Week


I caught up with an friend from high school, which was awesome! And a woman who I met at GHC ages ago – got to hear about her project Stemettes, which is amazing. Also went out with someone new, which was fun – we took a walk around Westminster at night, which is very pretty. Mostly I focused on finding somewhere to live, which is hopefully sorted – gorgeous lower ground apartment in South Kensington – I paid the deposit and I’ll be moving in at the start of January. Spent more quality time with my family, and working on clearing out some of the junk that has accumulated here in between me flitting about! My Tinke (Amazon) arrived! Annoyingly it has the old i-connector, so I need to buy a converter and meanwhile have to use it with my iPad and not my iPhone, but it’s really interesting. Measures heart-rate, blood oxygen levels, and “zen”.


Work was crazy, beginning on my first day at breakfast when I started a small fire in the toaster! Of course I had a lot of email to catch up on after my break. However in between meetings and figuring out what I’m going to do next I was working on some prototyping (iOS and Android) and a design doc, which was fun. I got to catch up with my group from the leadership course I took in October, too, which was awesome. So far, the London office is great! The food is dangerously good, the people are lovely, and there are some great opportunities.


I stayed at the Grange Rochester Hotel, which I hated. I had a tiny single, so dark and old fashioned, and they leave a nasty note on the bed every day about not smoking. I haven’t smoked anything in years, maybe ever, so that seemed unnecessarily pre-emptive. The receptionist on check-in I found quite rude as well, and they charge for internet, which is so last decade. It was supposed to be 4*, but felt distinctly… not 4*. Hopefully the hotel for next week will be nicer! Although this experience did motivate me in my apartment hunting, so that is good. Checked out a couple of restaurants, but wouldn’t go back to any of them – Noura (meh), Banana Tree (meh), Tozi (nice but quite expensive). And bars – CASK (impressive selection of beer, totally wasted on me – I was drinking pineapple juice), and Skyloft (I think the draw is the view? I forgot to look out the window).


I’m watching Brothers and Sisters season 1 right now – at the gym, as I didn’t take any planes this week. I watched it before, I think as it came out. Anyway, it’s great, I’m really enjoying it even though I know how things pan out. It’s smart, with strong female characters. I read the new Bridget Jones – Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding. It is sad because you follow up on the Happily Ever After, and the Unhappy Ending, but also pretty hilarious. I think if you loved the first Bridget Jones books, it’s worth reading – although not that close together, then it would be even more upsetting. Also read the new Trisha Ashley, Wish Upon a Star. It’s charming, and I’ve read a number of her books now. Like all of them though it’s a bit lacking in substance, and slightly fairy tale like – in the little village of Sticklepond, everything always works out. Was not a bad way to de-stress after a hectic week though! I spent most of Saturday curled up on the sofa reading it, and felt much better for it. Non-fiction, I’m reading The Power of Habit. So far, fascinating. All links Amazon.


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