Programming Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 4: Who’s Talking About The Future Of Newspapers?

In which we answer the question – what are they saying? I’ve split the tweets up into two types – at replies, and not at replies, and a third which contains all tweets. I’ve created wordles of each one, for each of the 20 people we were following. If you haven’t – check out […]

Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 3: Who’s Talking About The Future Of Newspapers?

Continued on from Part 2, I’m representing similar data in a different (less exciting) way. Before, we looked at how the activity on the twitter streams was spread out over the day and by different types of interaction. Here, I’m using charts to show the breakdown for the day, by user. I’ve also created charts […]

Programming Social Networking Twitter Visualization

Part 2: Who’s Talking About the Future of Newspapers?

After breaking down the overall types of tweets from people, next step was to create scatter plots of their activity. Unfortunately, Excel will only plot 250 data points – how unreasonable! Luckily I love breaking Excel and coding something that will do what I want it to do and look prettier, so voila. Color scheme: […]

Education Programming

Processing Workshop

I’ve been a little quieter than usual for a number of reasons, one of which is that I’ve been working on a workshop for the University. It’s aimed at getting 17-18 year olds interested in taking Computer Science, and I’m using Processing for that. I’m experimenting with what I’m calling an Activity Based Curriculum. I.e. […]


Processing Jam: Tuesday January 5th

I’ll be getting together with a couple of friends JP and Dwayne for a “Processing Jam” on Tuesday January 5th, at 6pm. What’s a Processing Jam? We’re going to make stuff. With Processing. Why? Because that list of projects in our head that we’ll “do some day, when we have time” is never going to […]

Education Google Wave Presentation Programming

An Introduction to Processing

Find the slides for this below. If you’re interested, there will be a session tonight in Wave at 7pm, but there will be another one later this week as well. As ever – feedback welcome! An Introduction to Processing View more presentations from Cate Huston.