
Book: Option B

I think I cried reading every chapter of Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy (Amazon), most of which was in public as I read it during my trip to Barcelona. I teared up in various restaurants around town, and on the plane home. It’s a moving book, but also a hopeful one […]


Book: Men Explain Things To Me

I’ve been meaning to read Men Explain Things To Me for a while, but putting it off because I worried it would leave me feeling even more despondent about the world. I’m so glad I finally got to reading it though – it was so beautifully written and thought provoking. How correcting women relates to silencing […]


Book: Playing to Win

A theme for me in 2017 was “Strategy: more / better”. It was something I really wanted to work on – both on the dimension of getting better at types of strategic work, and also better at carving out time for that work. A book that came up in (as I recall, referenced in some […]


Book: The Gift

I hated The Gift (Amazon). I hated it for seven whole chapters (at 15-20 minutes each, iirc) until I finally liberated myself from it at 48% complete. That’s still hours of my life gone to it though, and I regret them. Usually I don’t let myself write up books I didn’t finish, but I think the […]


Book: The Future of Happiness

I think the title of The Future of Happiness (Amazon) is perhaps overselling things a bit, but I did find this a worthwhile read. It’s really about mindful choices when it comes to technology – technology can make life better, but only if we are deliberate in how we use it. It’s easy to disappear […]

Books management

Book: How F*cked Up is Your Management?

How F*cked Up is Your Management? is a collection of essays, many of which I’d already read on Medium. I did like it though – there’s a value to reading a curated collection the builds upon each other. Also, I want to support people writing things that I appreciate. Some of it’s really good and actionable […]


Book: The Four Tendencies

The Four Tendencies framework was one of the most helpful things I got from Better than Before, so I was happy it got it’s own book (Amazon). Having read Better than Before, and following Gretchen Rubin’s blog for years I did wonder if there was more I could get out of it, but once again reminded […]


Book: A Beautiful Constraint

I found A Beautiful Constraint (Amazon) really helpful and interesting. I found it articulated a way that I think naturally (systems thinking / constraints in general) and gave me some extra tools to work with. The first tool is the idea of embracing certain constraints. E.g. needing to reduce water consumption, and instead of setting […]

Books life

Book: The Gifts of Imperfection

A book recommendation at the perfect time is a gift. That’s what The Gifts of Imperfection (Amazon) was for me when my coach recommended it. It’s hard, as a result, to describe what I got out of it – I read it in 3 (weekday, working) days – in this place of yes yes yes this […]


Book: Steal Like an Artist