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#iOSDevUK: Hacking Health

Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

My notes from the talk Emily gave at iOSDevUK.

What are health apps?

Apple and Google have decided this is where the future is. Gone in. Apple, Healthkit. Google, GFit. Standardized APIs getting information with defined types, centralised storage. Enables gathering data from a range of different sources, don’t need to connect with a billion different APIs. Fine grained permissioning – user is in control.

If user says no, can no longer see that information is even there. E.g. if you know blood sugar is being stored, even if can’t see it, can infer things.

Parkinsons App:

Parkinsons – sleep and eat has tremendous effect. Give people information on this, also give them control over the life. Insight into reactions to medications.

Parkinsons patients see consultants for 10 minutes every 6-8 months. Have to provide ALL information, and practitioner has to provide information. Done using a questionnaire. Incredibly difficult thing for users/patients to be able to remember. Influenced by their mood when they fill it in. Helping people see on average every day, able to use that 10 minute slot far better.



Do no harm. Hippocratic oath. We are devs not doctors, probably not going to do harm, but have a duty to our users that our app don’t cause them to do something that will cause them harm.

Patients vulnerable. Can make decisions based on what you show. E.g. diabetics and blood sugar.


Pay attention to potential harm. Think very carefully about design.



Stats are hard:

Transparency and Honesty:

“When you start to gather and store information about a person that they would normally only share with their closest family and medical carers, you have a responsibility to that person to care about what happens to that data. If you do not care, in my opinion, you have no business working with private, personal medical information.” ~Emily

Legal Stuff

The diagnosis Line (what is and isn’t diagnosis).

Data protection app:


Don’t overlook data. Don’t lose anything.


Secure storage:

Apple doesn’t seem to have published how they are storing.

Not just about how you’re storing but also about your process. If only need to bribe one person, then your data is not secure.




Localisation – conversions:

Data provenance:

Why Bother?

Common causes of death. If could make apps to make these people to live more fulfilling lives, or prevent them from getting that condition in the first place.

Most common chronic conditions: high blood pressure. Altzimers. Could improve lives,

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