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Book: A Year in High Heels

I can’t say I enjoyed A Year In High Heels by Camilla Morton (Amazon), in part because I never quite figured out what it was supposed to do – inspire to live a more fashionable, glamorous, cultural life? It was too shallow and wide-ranging, saying not very much about a wide variety of things. The only thing I really liked, is that for each month there was a “muse” – women who had had a meaningful or interesting life in some way. Peggy Guggenheim was a favourite, I must go to Venice and see her museum.

Perhaps the book is just out of date – it felt more like I was reading a year’s worth of blog content, than a book. I would say, don’t bother, unless (maybe) you live in London and are looking for a fix of cultural recommendations – although I’m sure there are other (more up to date!) sources.

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