Education Presentation Programming

Java: Building Blocks

Tomorrow I’m running an introduction to Java via Wave. Because I’ve had a degree of interest from non-complete beginners in learning Processing, I’ve split the content so that one session will be Java: Building Blocks which will teach the very basics of Java but does not introduce Processing, and the other session will be An Introduction to Processing.

Java: Building Blocks covers the very very basics of Java – writing your first program, primitive types, conditions, and loops. At the end, we should be able to make a simple Hangman game using a framework I will provide.

An Introduction to Processing will cover getting started with Processing and be suitable for beginners who have gone through Java: Building Blocks but hopefully won’t be too dull for more advanced programmers. It will take you through creating your first little Java applet in Processing.

I’m taking suggestions for Topics, but things I’m contemplating are:

  • Java: Next Steps – covering arrays, multidimensional arrays, Objects, more on functions (passing arguments etc). Finishing with a TicTacToe or Pacman game (I have frameworks for both of these).
  • Test Driven Development and Exceptions – throwing and handling exceptions, writing code to pass test cases. Working on a Blackjack game.
  • Creating games in Processing – detecting key presses etc.
  • New Since Java 5 – Generics, enum, for each, etc.

Slides for Java: Building Blocks can be found below. As ever, I really welcome feedback!