
This Week



Not really liking Santiago that much, so decided to cut things short and head to Easter Island which sounds very cool, albeit a bit lacking in Internet. Met up with someone here which was cool, did a bit of touristing, spent an afternoon getting some needed pampering at the spa, but otherwise I’ve just been working and working out.

It’s my birthday next week and so I’m challenging myself for May – when there is a choice between some imagined obligation and myself to choose Cate. Some of my friends are joining me in this, and honestly I can’t think of a better way to mark turning 30 than my friends and I investing our energy in ourselves.


Super exciting! I’m now an advisor to Glowforge (super cool – making a 3D laser printer) and I love working with them, so I’m really psyched to expand my role there.

My latest Model View Culture article (The Trouble with Imposters) came out which has got a pretty good response. Also a lot of client work this week, still figuring out how I carve out time for my own stuff! But I made some more progress on Android so that is something.

Plotting for the Technically Speaking 6monthiversary which starts next week! Exciting!

Pulled out of a conference because of Code of Conduct stuff, which wasn’t fun. Screwed up thinking that there must be one because I knew so many people speaking and yeah… I should have checked before.


Watching Gossip Girl. Read Chances, reading Better than Before and Professional Android 4 Application Development.

Product Links Amazon.


The Trouble with Imposters on Model View Culture.

A new edition of Technically Speaking is out.

On The Internet