Education Presentation

Pycon AU: Making Python More Fun for Everyone

Interesting talk from the creators of SingPath – games to help people learn to code. Left me wanting to try the game! Some insights about women and what they find off-putting – nothing unexpected. Notes below: Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation: autonomy, mastery, purpose (Dan Pink’s book – Amazon). Want to extrinsically motivate people without killing […]

Education Google Wave Programming

Java: Building Blocks and an Introduction to Processing

Update: This will take place on Wednesday 18th and Friday 20th November, 7-9pm. Let me know if you’re interested. I’m thinking to run a session on this tomorrow, with discussion going on via Wave. Will start at 10 or 11am EST and run for 2 hours, with another 2 hours in the afternoon. Let me […]