
Dimensions of Engineering Growth

One of my coaching clients and I developed this framework to help him think about the kind of impact he wanted to have as a Staff+ engineer, and since then I’ve taken it to other clients and direct reports in a way to think about engineering growth outside of any particular job ladder. The four […]


The Rent Versus Buy of Career Growth

The topic that got the most attention in my previous post about being the DRI of your career is the concept of rent versus buy when it comes to managing your career. Distinguish what your employer rents versus what they buy. I find this particularly relevant when it comes to things like “personal brand”. My […]

Career Presentation


Slides and commentary for a talk I gave (internally) to Qz in Q4 20202. When I think about growth, I think about drowning rats and boiling frogs. Because this is what growth often feels like – or looks like  – especially when it’s hard and not going particularly well. The rat drowning school of growth […]

Social Networking

Exponential Growth of Social Media

I think this is pretty awesome. Shows how fast content is being created – it’s incredible! (Flash Widget may not show up in your RSS Reader) Original blog post and details/sources.