Education Programming women in computer science

Fighting Monsters

A long time ago, when I was training in China, I was struggling to learn a form correctly and my master threatened me with no food until I got it right. This seemed like a terrible idea, I mean, it was hard enough to focus and be physical on the small amount of food (mostly […]

Books Networking Presentation Social Networking Twitter

Being Yourself On The Internet

I’m Cate, I work for Google as a Software Engineer (on mobile Gmail). For fun, I’m a qualified ski instructor and I love to kickbox. I was the Instigator of Awesome at Awesome Ottawa, and I do various things around getting more women into CompSci. I have a BSc from the University of Edinburgh and […]

Education inspiration Reflections

An Overarching Theme

I feel tremendously fortunate that when I write something I’m hesitant to hit “post” on, people leave these amazing comments that make me feel like less of a failure and like whatever it was I wrote, was worth sharing. Having a crisis about not finishing grad school, I wrote Being Human, and then Dropping Out when I came to […]