
Energy Management Exercise

My Energy Management for Newer Managers post has been turned into an exercise on Yerbo. You can find it here.


The Battery

I keep coming back to what it means to recharge. The metaphor that has been working most for me lately is the idea of a battery. In the green, I have plenty of charge. Everything is possible. In the orange is the ideal place for “active rest”. But if that’s not an option, I can […]

Organization Programming

The Myth of the Intersection of Creativity, Energy, and Time

There’s a common myth that makes side projects close to impossible. It’s thinking that side projects can only happen at the intersection of energy, creativity, and time. That’s a pretty high bar. That intersection doesn’t come around all that often. For me, it’s usually about day 3 of a 3 day weekend. The UK has 8 public holiday […]