Reflections WISE

International Students

There was an article in the Ottawa Citizen the other day about international students. Apparently at Carleton, 1 in 5 graduate students is an international. Of course, this averages across all subjects – my experience is that in Computer Science (and likely the rest of Science and Engineering) the ratio is higher. When I first […]


Week in Brief

So last week I put up a list of things I hoped to get done last week. I did not achieve all of them, or anywhere near. WISE Speaker event WISE Coffee social (bake!) WISE Self-defense seminar – Questionable whether I can check this off, it was a disaster. Organize meeting for WISE, outline the […]

Facebook Social Networking Twitter

Social Networking

I got an email from my dad the other day, asking me what I used Twitter for. I wasn’t sure why he was asking so I asked for clarification and got this response: “Just discussing Social Networking it would help to know why you use it and what you get from it”. “Social Networking” is […]

Organization Reflections


Being so busy this week has got me thinking about the concept of “having time”. We all have 60 minutes in each hour and 24 of them in each day for however many weeks, months, years or – hopefully – decades we have left on this planet. We just can’t know how long that is. […]

Organization Reflections

Manic Monday

I’ve wasted a chunk of the afternoon having a bit of a panic attack. This morning I had physio on my knee, followed by an hour of time hanging out in SITE waiting to meet with the guy who’s course I’m TA-ing (I read some of the 60 page book chapter I’m carrying about with […]


Your Customers on Twitter

Twitter has a load of random uses. So far, I feel they fall into 4 categories: making things tweet, ridiculous, heart-warming and innovative. Making things tweet: an office beer tap, pets, plants, unborn babies, laundry machines, electricity consumption meter, the oven, a chair,  a rocket, a house, your server. Ridiculous: promote your brothel (Twitter might […]

Business Models Facebook Reflections Social Networking

Relationships 2.0

I had an argument with a friend yesterday. He’d been a little economical with the truth and I found out and was angry. I found out via Facebook – of course. Facebook knows everything. This propelled me to write this post I’ve been thinking about for a while. The thrust of the talk that I […]


Unlikely Source

I was reading a paper today, about mashups. It’s fairly interesting, and you can find it here (you’ll need an ACM account, sadly). It explores how end users feel about mashups. What kind of value do they see in them and would they create them if they had the knowledge? I read something a long […]

Social Networking

Deleting My Xing Profile

It’s hard sometimes to manage your social networking presence. I have three main ones that I use (aside from this blog) – Facebook (friends only), Twitter, and LinkedIn (professional). I just added a fourth – Brazen Careerist – mostly because I read Penelope Trunk’s blog avidly. Realistically though, I have way more – Wakoopa, LastFM, […]



On Wednesday I was getting on my bike, when my kneecap briefly rotated around the side of my knee. It was seriously painful, and I keeled over, bike with me, and my bike frame landed on my hurt knee. Ouch. I got picked up (literally, I was in the road) by some kind strangers and […]